A Warrior Cats Online Alternate Allegiance
LEADER: Vinestar--a blue-gray leopard tabby tom with chartreuse eyes and a torn right ear. (ghostwriter)
DEPUTY: Blueblossom--Russian Blue with blue eyes. Deaf in her left ear, with a large nick all the way through it (@Valliance)
MEDICINE CAT: Mirespiral (@Angelique)-
MEDICINE CAT APPRENTICE: Lightpaw ( @rosetherosey ): Cream colored tom with short legs.
Strawberrynose (@Paradise)-- petite and lean with long cream fur. pale red mask, paws, and tail. sky blue eyes.
Coralshine (@Minty)--tall lilac-furred she-cat with green eyes
Rivertide (@S t a r )--blue-gray fur and ocean blue eyes with gray stripes along his back and tail.
Blackdream (@Snow Fox)--
Stormtwist (@Cobra)--dark gray she-cat with silver twists throughout her pelt.
Sunwolf (@Slushie)--A large, fluffy, fiery orange tabby with bright blue eyes. (NB; they/them)
Dashpool (@rosetherosey)--a dappled cream color she-cat with a long slick tail.
Wheatfrost (@Dipper)-- long haired reddish brown tabby tom with green eyes.
Redbelly (@dinosaur)--a bulky green-grey tom with a burnt orange streak on his underbelly and friendly amber eyes
Lilywander (@Cobra)--Lynx point cat with shining blue eyes
Brindleflower (@New Years Dashers)--small, lithe, and agile tortoiseshell she-cat. She has gleaming, green eyes, with a tiny tint of yellow. She also has a mottled colored nose.
-Gossamerpaw (@VALLIANCE)--White and silver shaded with dark eyes and thick fur.
MENTOR: Strawberrynose
-Beepaw (@Paradise)--silver tabby tom with amber eyes.
MENTOR: Stormtwist
-Goldenpaw (@Phoenix Fall)--Golden tabby tom with white speckles and green eyes.
MENTOR: Coralshine
-Risingpaw (@bmkmb)--silver seal-lynx "snow" bengal with pool-blue eyes.
MENTOR: Vinestar
-Riverpaw (@~Echo~)
MENTOR: Blackdream
-Berrypaw (@Eve)--White she-cat with a black front left paw and a black tail tip, and blue eyes.
MENTOR: Sunwolf
Walnuttuft (@VALLIANCE)--Long-furred tufted tortie tom with soft blue eyes and lame back legs.
Annabelle (@Wolfgirl8)--Lean, white short furred she-cat with two beautiful eyes(one gold and one aqua), she has faint silver tabby markings and dark black rimmed eyes.
Magic (@Cobra)--longhaired russet tom with amber eyes.
Sky (@Star)--Dark colored, fluffy fur with white stripes on his cheek tufts and down his back. He has ocean blue eyes.
Sunny (@Home Alone)--Bright orange she-cat with blue eyes
Stormy (@Home Alone)--Dark grey she-cat with blue eyes
Cedar (@MooingPanda)--dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes with half a tail.