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Montag aesthetic.JPG

NAME: Montag


ALLEGIANCE: Loner/Kittypet

SEXUALITY: Pansexual


AGE: 35 moons

SKILLS/ABILITIES: Montag is a highly intelligent psychopath, and is an extremely talented manipulator. Perhaps one of the most terrifying facets of his guise, is his uncanny ability to come across as genteel and compassionate. He can perceive weakness as if were visible, and has a talent for pushing other cats to violence. He is known to exhibit cannibalistic tendencies when particularly hungry and without other prey options...or when he's bored. 



PERSONALITY OVERVIEW: He is graceful and gritty and wildly cruel. Montag is highly intelligent and calculative, obstinate and singularly driven. Extremely enduring; has effectively overcome severe psychological trauma and known for his adaptability in chaotic situations. Mentally and emotionally hardy, very intuitive. Tough and self-preserving. While he is assured in his ability to elude even the most well construed plots to foil him, he knows that half of besting his enemies is believing he can, and promising them he can. Despite his uncompromising and princely exterior, there is an artistic softness to Montag's true psyche. Inquisitive, philosophical, and somewhat idealistic, he internally analyzes everything. He has absolutely no qualms about manipulating, killing, and maiming anyone who inconveniences him. Particularly boring individuals often meet an untimely fate out of "mercy". Montag is absolutely spellbinding, and speaks in a charmed, poetic manner that makes him practically magnetic. He often displays a peculiar, almost romantic interest in cats who catch his attention, but if he finds that they become a distraction, he will kill them. Montag has all the grit and callous of a professional hitman and all the cultivated genius of a Renaissance artist.

+ TRAITS: Charming, compassionate (false), extremely intelligent, artistic, elegant, enticing

- TRAITS: Psychotic, manipulative, cruel, sadistic, narcissistic, chaotic

ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil

HISTORY: Montag's history provides pivotal insight into his personality. Montag was born in an animal testing facility, and kept in brutal conditions. He managed to escape, however, life on the streets was not much easier. As a young cat he was ruthlessly abused by a band of young toms who essentially used him as a punching bag to hone fighting skills. One one of these young cats managed to blind Montag in his right eye. He snapped, and killed all three of his aggressors. From that moment forward, the sensation of power associated with killing became an addiction. Montag became one of the most feared and respected cats in Twolegplace, however, Montag believed himself to be too good to fight and scavenge in backalleys. He became a kittypet, and despite his murderous tendencies, deeply cares for his Twolegs who treat him like royalty (as, in his mind, they should). He still roams Twolegplace and the forest frequently, looking for cats to "play" with.


COAT COLOR: Lavender oriental longhair

EYE COLOR: pale golden (left eye) clouded (right eye)

COAT TEXTURE: Long, thin, and feathery

MARKINGS/SCARS: Blind in right eye, has unusually long incisors that often hang over his lower lip. Wears a blue plaid collar with a silver nameplate.

BUILD: Elegant, muscular, remarkably handsome

Fun fact: Montag is named after the book burning firefighter in Fahrenheit 451, and inspired by the song Red Right Hand.

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